Mike Riley

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Michael W. Riley

Mike Riley
Department: Classical Languages

Garaventa - 111

Phone: 4261
Fax: 376-2411
Mail: P.O. Box 3476

Professional Overview

Michael Riley graduated from the Integrated Program in 1972 and returned as a tutor in the renamed Integral Program in 1982. He studies how names and other words do and don't change. He has long studied ancient Greek and Roman mythology and philosophy in the original languages and combines mythology and philosophy together in his January Term classes and Preceptorials. He has special interests in the mythology of Hesiod and in the philosophy of Plato and has written a book on Plato's labyrinthine dialogue on language, the Cratylus. He is also the Chair of the Classical Languages Department, which offers majors and minors in Classics, Greek and Latin and an interdisciplinary minor in Classical Studies, soon, by name changing, to be a major.