Summer Session
Get ahead this summer.
Summer Session 2024 is open to current Saint Mary's College students and students from other colleges, universities, community colleges, and high schools.
We offer four-week and six-week online courses, with lower and upper-division offerings.
- Learn at an accelerated pace
- Choose from lower division and upper division course offerings
- Take advantage of the reduced tuition rate
Summer Term Registration Begins on February 26, 2024
- Register by May 24, 2024 for Session 1
- Register by July 5, 2024 for Session 2
June 19, 2024 Juneteenth Holiday (no classes held)
Session 1
May 28-June 28
Morning classes
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Afternoon classes
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
3-unit courses
3 days per week
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
4-unit courses
4 days per week
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Session 1 Courses
This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of design underlying a wide variety of visual art forms. Topics will include composition, design principles, layout, color and light theory, and typography as applied to two-dimensional formats. Techniques will be contextualized by relevant discussions of psychology and politics, rooted in the study of representative examples and project work.This course has been canceled as of 5/28/25.
Andrew Mount
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
ACP, ARTS, HUM, HSP - Arts and Humanities Analysis and Practice
Course credits: 4
M, T,TH, F
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
This course, an introduction to media studies, focuses on the critical concepts and technical skills necessary for understanding communication practices in the 21st century. While acknowledging that the media have become digital, this course places communication and media technologies within a broader historical and cultural context. Students will be required to produce media criticism and creative media projects, as well as learn key theories about media and communication in the global, networked digital age.
Samantha Joyce
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
ACP, ARTS, HUM, HSP - Arts and Humanities Analysis and Practice
Course credits: 4
M, T, W,TH,
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
An introduction to the principles of corporate finance and their application in business today, focusing on the measurement and creation of value in a corporation. Topics include: financial markets, present value analysis, the theory of risk and return, portfolio theory, asset pricing models, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, and value based management. This course has been canceled as of 5/9/25
Kevin Okoeguale
Course credits: 4
M, T, TH, F
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Integrates the scientific foundations of nutrition and exercise. Focus is on the application of nutrition principles in order to achieve optimal health and performance. Special topics include optimizing wellness, physical fitness and performance through diet, the use of ergogenic aids, weight loss and gain techniques, eating disorders and sport-specific nutrition planning.KINES 100, KINES 300, one of (CHEM 105 or CHEM 110 or BIOL 225), Minimum grade C-.; Or for non-majors, permission of the instructor.
Derek Marks
Course credits: 4
M, T, W,TH
9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
The study of the major areas of marketing decision-making that confront organizations. Topics include the utilization of marketing information systems, and marketing research processes to analyze and select viable target market segments, as well as the formulation and implementation of integrated product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies. This course has been canceled as of 4/26/25.
Course credits: 4
M, T, W,TH
9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Employing and building upon the strategies of critical thinking, critical reading, and shared inquiry learned in previous seminars, students will read, write about and discuss a selection of Renaissance, 17th, 18th and 19th century texts from the Western tradition.
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
SEM - Collegiate Seminar
Course credits: 3
M, T, TH
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Building on the Western tradition explored in the second and third seminars, readings focus on the Great Conversation of the modern world, which includes the West but also includes important intercultural and global voices. The course focuses on issues of significant relevance for a 21st century student, as well as texts that allow for integrative thinking across the entire Collegiate Seminar sequence. The last portion of the course will include student reflections on what they have learned and how they have grown, revisiting the steps of their intellectual development in a capstone experience.
Andrew Mount
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
SEM - Collegiate Seminar
Course credits: 3
M, T, TH
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
For students with one or two years of secondary study of Spanish (or the equivalent). This course continues the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing, emphasizing conversation on everyday topics.
Rubina Darakjian
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
LANG - Second Language Proficiency
Course credits: 4
M, T, W,TH
9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Students in this course will engage the foundational ideas and texts of the Catholic Christian tradition with particular focus on the Bible and its interpretation, examining these foundations from a committed (i.e., insider) perspective and by using the critical tools and methods employed in the academy (i.e., outsider perspective). Since the Bible and all texts are inevitably interpreted, even by those who say they are simply letting the texts speak for themselves, this course will help students learn to identify the interpretive assumptions used by various communities throughout the centuries and today. Students will also be given the opportunity to practice using scholarly tools, methods, and lenses for reading and interpretation, skills that will serve students well in many areas of study and thought. Integral to this exploration of Christian foundations and the Bible, students will examine the Catholic principles of the fundamental dignity of the human person and the common good and how they call forth the virtue of solidarity and a preferential option for our poorest sisters and brothers. Fulfills the Christian Foundations (CF) learning outcome.
InstructorZach Flanagin
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
TUCF - Christian Foundations
Course credits: 3
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
This course focuses on the relationship between gender and religion in North American history and culture. We will explore gender as a category of analysis for the study of religion and the ways that religions construct and deconstruct gender norms. Religion is lived and practiced, and therefore it cannot be separated from the gendered bodies that people inhabit. We will use historical and contemporary case studies to examine the way that notions of femininity and masculinity have played a role in the religious lives of Americans.
Marie Pagliarini
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
TUTE - Theological Explorations
Course credits: 3
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Session 2
July 8-August 9
Morning classes
9:00 am - 11:30 am
Afternoon classes
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
3-unit courses
3 days per week
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)
4-unit courses
4 days per week
(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Session 2 Courses
This course is an exploration of the history of critical writing about art. A broad sampling of 20th century texts from art historians, critics, philosophers, social scientists and artists are brought together for discussion and reflection.
Peter Freund
Core Curriculum Designation(s) ART + CP , and Writing-in-the-Discipline (WiD)
Course credits: 3
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Managing operations is critical in every organization because it is through effective and efficient utilization of resources that an organization can be successful in the long term. As efficiency barriers of time and space between organizations are breaking down, operations function must adopt a global dimension to remain competitive. The course introduces students to the operational challenges that entrepreneurs and managers face and provides a set of tools to manage business processes in a broad range of domains and industries.
Ibrahim, Ameera
Core Curriculum Designation(s) ARTS & HUM - Arts and Humanities Analysis, LANG - Second Language Proficiency
Course credits: 3
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
An introduction to statistical concepts used to assist in making decisions under conditions of uncertainty. Topics include the collection and analysis of data, probability and probability distributions, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and correlation. A one-hour spreadsheets lab is offered once a week; the lab is required for some majors and optional for others. This course has been canceled as of 5/8/25.
Noha Elfiky
Core Curriculum Designation(s)
MTHU - Mathematical Understanding
Concurrent enrollment in DATA 105L
Course credits: 4
Lecture Hours
A required one-hour spreadsheets lab is offered once a week.
M, T, TH
12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Lab Hours
Friday from: 12:00-2:30 PM
The study of the major areas of marketing decision-making that confront organizations. Topics include the utilization of marketing information systems, and marketing research processes to analyze and select viable target market segments, as well as the formulation and implementation of integrated product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies.
Course credits: 4
M, T,TH, F
9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
For students with two or three years of secondary study of Spanish (or the equivalent). This course continues the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing, fostering confidence in conversation and composition across a variety of subjects.
Anahita Ghazi Bayat
Core Curriculum Designation(s) GIP
Course credits: 3
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Next Steps
Currently Enrolled Saint Mary’s College Student
Go to GaelXpress > Student Planning
Take advantage of new Gael Summer pricing: tuition for Gael Summer 2024 is $3,000.00 for a three unit course and $4,000.00 for a four-unit course.
A 50% discount is being offered to Saint Mary's College seniors within two courses of completing graduation requirements. A $250 deposit is required prior to registration. To make a deposit, please stop by the student accounts window in the Filippi Administration Building.
Non-Saint Mary's College Student
For information regarding payment, please contact the Business Office.