Rebecca Anguiano

Office: Fillipi Academic Hall 240-4
Phone: (925) 631-4465
Professional Overview
Dr. Rebecca Anguiano, PhD, PPS, LEP, is an Associate Professor in the Counseling Department at Saint Mary’s College of California, and the Program Director of the School Psychology specialization. She earned her PhD in School Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley and is a credentialed, bilingual (Spanish-English) school psychologist and licensed educational psychologist. As a Brown Chicana woman, Dr. Anguiano’s personal experiences have motivated her to focus her research and clinical work on lifting the voices of historically marginalized communities, especially Black and Brown children and their families, as they interface with prek-12 schools. At Saint Mary’s she teaches Cognitive, Learning, and Development in the Social Context, Organizational System’s Consultation, and School Psychology Seminar and Supervision.
Dr. Anguiano’s research has explored the translating practices of immigrant families, community organizing and popular education as methods for family engagement in schools, and culturally responsive data-based decision making to inform interventions for emergent bilingual students. She has been published in outlets such as the School Community Journal, the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, and Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Dr. Anguiano has provided trainings to community agencies and schools on trauma-informed practices, strength-based psychoeducational evaluations of bilingual children and youth, socially just family engagement, and anti-racist self-care for school leaders during the COVID-19 global pandemic.