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Scholar Profile

Robin J. Dunn

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Department: Kinesiology

Professional Overview

Dr. Robin J. Dunn is an assistant professor and the coordinator of the health promotion track in the Department of Kinesiology. Dr. Dunn has a multidisciplinary background with a B.S. in business administration from San Francisco State University, a M.S. in Exercise Science from California State University, East Bay and a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University with an emphasis in Physical Education Teacher Education and Youth Development. Her primary research interests focus on using physical activity to develop responsibility and prosocial behaviors in young children and physical and physical activity behaviors of young girls.  Her secondary interest is understanding perspectives of youth on health promotion topics such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress. She has worked with Girls on the Run, Inc., a non-profit organization committed to promoting the health of young girls, to develop curriculum for physical activity driven responsibility-based program. During her free time, Dr. Dunn enjoys spending time with her young daughter, traveling, reading, and engaging in outdoor activities.