Progress Update on Transformation 2028
A message to the Saint Mary's Community
Transformation 2028, launched earlier this year, was designed to be a living, breathing, and actionable strategic plan that moves the College with vision and confidence into the future. I’m pleased to share with you today some of the excellent progress we have made in making this vision a reality.
Following the plan’s launch in February 2023, many devoted faculty and staff members have worked to develop initiatives that will help us achieve the plan’s strategic objectives. Faculty and staff members responsible for Transformation 2028 have diligently focused on initiatives necessary to execute the plan. This is especially impressive given the leadership transition at the College and a very busy fall semester.
Our faculty and staff’s commitment to reaching our Transformation 2028 goals has been remarkable. I would like to personally thank everyone who has played a role in the planning, development, and execution of our strategic plan.
Our newly-refreshed Transformation 2028 website tells the story of our progress, with current and detailed updates that reflect how our strategic plan is coming along.
Please visit the site and learn for yourself about the fantastic progress that has been made. As the name implies, Saint Mary’s is transforming lives before our very eyes!
Read about our progress on Transformation 2028's Strategic Priorities
I encourage you to set aside some time to review the website and learn not only about our tremendous progress in implementing Transformation 2028, but also about ways for you to get involved personally in this exciting work.
If you have feedback and/or questions about the plan’s process, progress, or how to get involved, please contact Makiko Imamura, Vice Provost for Institutional and Educational Effectiveness (mi2@stmarys-ca.edu), or Jim Sauerberg, Chair of the Academic Senate (jsauerbe@stmarys-ca.edu). Thank you!
Brother Thomas Jones, FSC
Interim President