CERP Copyright Information
Please observe the copyright permissions and limitation requirements below.
Barbara A. McGraw All rights reserved.
Text on the Center's website may be quoted in any media without further permission, so long as appropriate attribution is given, including all of the following information: Barbara A. McGraw, Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism, www.engagedpluralism.org. If the media is a web page or other electronic source with access to the web, a web link must also be included (unless express written permission is otherwise given).
Publishing Photographs:Express written permission must be received from Barbara A. McGraw before publishing any photographs from this site in any form or media. Please note, however, that the Native American photograph on first page of this website may not be copied or reprinted in any form or media without the photographer's permission, as all rights are reserved, Jeanne Apelseth, Sunchaser Fine Art & Photography © 2008-2020.
Web Links:Web links can be made to this site without permission if the linking site is in some way relevant to the topics of the Center; however, please notify the Center for Engaged Religious Pluralism if you create a link so that we have a current list. Such list will remain confidential.