Award winning Experts in their Field


adria klein


Adria Klein, PhD is renowned for her work with school districts across the United States to support literacy instruction for striving readers, English language learners, and other student populations. Dr. Klein works with striving students across the grade levels and has taught reading on five continents. She has authored and co-authored many professional books and articles about guided reading and other literacy topics. Dr. Klein is a professor emerita of reading education at CSU San Bernardino where she was the Chair of the Department of Elementary and Bilingual Education. A former president of the California Reading Association, she also served on the International Literacy Association’s Board of Directors. Currently, she is the director of Saint Mary's College of California's Comprehensive Literacy Center. She also serves as a reviewer for the professional journal, The Reading Teacher.


debra rich


Debra Rich, EdD is a Trainer and Assistant Director of the Comprehensive Literacy Center at Saint Mary’s College of California. Her research interests include educational reform, classroom discourse, vocabulary development (including academic language), and the integration of literacy and mathematics. Deb has served as a building principal and held central office roles in multiple districts as a K-6 language arts coordinator and a K-12 curriculum director. She has been a regional literacy consultant, Reading Recovery and classroom teacher. She currently serves on the Reading Recovery Council of North America Board of Directors, North American Trainers Group Executive Committee, Iowa Association of Area Education Agencies (IAAEA) Executive Board of Directors, and is president of the Central Rivers (Iowa) AEA board of directors that provides educational services to 53 public and 19 non-public school districts in north-central Iowa.


Mary Kay Moskal


Mary Kay Moskal, EdD, is a Professor of Literacy in the KSOE’s Teacher Education Department. She is the co-author of Partnering for Fluency with Dr. Camille Blachowicz and Literacy Leadership to Support Reading Improvement with Dr. Ayn Keneman. Although she has supported the literacy of children and young adults her entire educational career, she is deeply connected with early and beginning literacy having taught in the primary grades for 20 years. She has more than 15 years of experience directing and supervising in university-based literacy clinics in both Illinois and California. She continues to coach K-12 students through their literacy confusions and brings this extensive experience to her credential and graduate literacy courses at Saint Mary’s College. When not keeping busy teaching literacy, she can be found cooking and baking from her extensive cookbook library or spending time with friends and family.