Technology Intake and Governance

Intake and Governance
For ideas that generate the effort to build a project proposal (stages 1 and 2 of the project life cycle), IT Services works closely with the sponsor of the idea to strengthen the proposal for Intake and Governance, which is carried out by either the Committee on Educational Technology (CET) or the Enterprise Technology Committee (ETC) (see the committee charges and membership below). If the proposal is approved to move forward in either of these two committees then it will be presented to the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) and in some cases move on to the President's Cabinet for review. In cases where a project proposal is IT focused, such as a network core upgrade, the IT Services management team carries out the Intake process.
The intent of Intake is twofold:
- to advise the CTO in making major investment decisions so that adoption and use of technology is accountable to the College’s strategic plans;
- to provide input that best informs tactical judgments with respect to balance of resources in support of the academic and operational needs of the College.
Flow of Governance
A proposal is first presented at either the CET or ETC > if approved it will then be presented to the TAC > if approved it is then scheduled. If further review is needed it will then be presented to the President's Cabinet. View the Intake and Governance Process and Workflow. During presentations, the committee will review the project proposal using the Intake and Governance Assessment Criteria.
The TAC meets only twice a year. It is important to know when the next TAC meeting is to plan accordingly. The ETC and CET meet at least twice a year and when needed. See the Intake Governance Planning and Policy Development Calendar.
IT Planning and Policy Documents
The following documents provide details that may be helpful to your understanding of the Intake and Governance process (login required):
- IT Planning and Policy - Intake and Governance Assessment Criteria
- IT Planning and Policy - Committee Membership by Position
- IT Planning and Policy - Committee Responsibility Itemization
- IT Planning and Policy - Intake and Governance Project Proposal Criteria
- IT Planning and Policy - Intake Governance Planning and Policy Development Calendar
- IT Planning and Policy - Intake and Governance Process and Workflow
Technology Planning and Policy Committees (TPPC)
The TPPC is comprised of the TAC, CET and ETC. Learn more about each of these committees below.

Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)
The primary duties of the Committee are to:
- Provide input and recommendations for the prioritization of IT project portfolio initiatives consistent with the College mission, and the Strategic Development of IT as dictated by SMC strategic planning;
- Provide feedback to enhance effectiveness of the Technology Planning and Policy structure and process to optimally address the strategic goals of the College;
- Review and recommend institutional technology policy additions/changes to the Cabinet;
- Solicit input from the campus community to assessment of the effectiveness of technology operations and planning;
- Communicates technology issues, trends, plans, and decisions to the campus community Meeting frequency
Minimally two annual meetings for governance of the Strategic Development of the College's IT resources; more to be scheduled as necessary
TAC Membership:
- Chief Technology Officer (Chair)
- Vice Provost for Enrollment and Communications
- Provost Designee
- School Dean (1)
- At-large, Senate-appointed Faculty member (1)
- Chair, Committee on Educational Technology
- Associated Students Appointment (1)
- Associate Vice President for Human Resources
- Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller
- Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Vice Provost for Student Academics and Dean of the Core
- General Counsel
- Dean of Students or Designee
- Senior Director, Advancement Services
- Director of Athletics and Recreation or Designee
- Chair, Enterprise Technology Committee
- Deputy CTO (ex-officio)
- Director, Enterprise Applications (ex-officio)
- Director, Educational Technology (ex-officio)
Committee on Educational Technology (CET)
Advance the use of technology in teaching, learning, and scholarship by exploring innovative pedagogy, new learning tools, and potential improvements to academic facilities (i.e., classrooms and laboratories); support the use of innovative pedagogy; and advise various parties on campus on matters that impact the effective use of educational technology.
The primary duties of the Committee are to:
- Encourage and review faculty grant submissions that will provide for innovation in teaching and learning that can be enabled by educational technologies and/or facilities;
- Identify opportunities for improvement or innovation in teaching and learning that can be enabled by educational technologies and/or facilities, and provide ongoing guidance and recommendations to the Chief Technology Officer, the EdTech Center, and the Campus Facilities Planning Committee;
- Stay abreast of best practices and recommend policies to the Senate regarding technology matters on campus, such as policies for online/hybrid programs;
- Assist curriculum-review committees, especially the Undergraduate Educational Policies Committee and the Graduate and Professional Educational Policies Committee, in matters regarding the intersection of technology and curriculum, e.g., through consultation regarding standards for evaluating proposals for online/hybrid courses and programs;
- Generally support initiatives arising from the faculty that advance excellence in the use of technology in teaching, learning, and scholarship.
CET Membership:
- Four tenure-track faculty members, one elected from each school, two-year terms, one selected as chair
- One full-time faculty member (one-year, renewable term) appointed by the Committee on Committees
- Director of Faculty Development (ex officio)
- Chief Technology Officer (ex officio)
- Director, Educational Technology (ex officio)
- Dean of the Library and Academic Resources (ex officio)
- Director, Facilities Services (ex officio)
Enterprise Technology Committee (ETC)
The primary duties of the Committee are to:
- Identify and discuss the adoption and use of technology to reach optimal efficiency in the College’s enterprise workflow and operations
- Review proposed technology initiatives and advise IT Services on the priority of candidates for improvement
- Provide feedback for IT Services on project status reports as presented at each meeting
- Assist in the creation or update of College IT policy to ensure that risk is mitigated effectively
The ETC is comprised of management staff members from the following areas:
- Admissions - UG and GR
- Advancement
- Athletics
- Business Office
- Financial Aid
- Human Resources
- Institutional Research
- Registrar's Office
- Student Life
- Controller (Chair)
- Director, Enterprise Applications (ex-officio)
- Chief Technology Officer (ex-officio)