BALOS Program of Study

BALOS Degree requirements
TOTAL PROGRAM: 124 units
- 48 units SMC coursework (14 courses)
- 12 units Upper Division elective credit earned through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
- 64 units transfer credit (Must include Core Curriculum requirements not included in BALOS curriculum):
- 1-2 Arts & Humanities courses (4 units)
- 1 Science course (3 units - no lab required)
- Minimum institutional GPA of 2.0 (BALOS courses); minimum combined GPA 2.0 (includes transfer courses)
2024-2025 TUITION RATE: $908/unit (Cohort Locked Rate)
WITHDRAWAL POLICY: 3 Weeks; 60% refund
B.A. in Leadership and Organizational Studies Course Descriptions
LDSH 400: Adult Development, Leadership, and the Workplace
Effectiveness in today’s workplace increasingly requires skills of self-direction. By surfacing and examining assumptions about learning and work, and examining them from the perspective of constructive-developmental theory, learners develop and refine their capacities for leadership and effective teamwork while preparing themselves for the workplace of the future
LDSH 401: Experience, Learning, and Knowledge
In this course, learners explore the experiential learning cycle, from reflection upon experience to construction and the application of knowledge. They practice this analytical and self-reflective process through writing experiential learning essays. Following course completion, learners may choose to submit essays and supporting documentation for Prior Learning Assessment, a process through which learners may earn additional credit toward degree requirements.
Seminar 402: Western Tradition I
Part A of your Collegiate Seminar course. In this course we will employ and build strategies of critical thinking, critical reading, and shared inquiry, together we will read, write about, and discuss a selection of texts from different time periods of the Western tradition.
Seminar 402: Western Tradition I
In part B of this course, we will continue employing and building strategies of critical thinking, critical reading, and shared inquiry, as we read, write about and discuss a selection of texts from different time periods of the Western tradition. You will also assess your own progress in the main learning outcomes of 1) Shared Inquiry, 2) Critical Thinking and 3) Written & Oral Communication
LDSH 402: Leadership Theory and Ethics
This course focuses on leadership in an ethical framework. Learners examine beliefs and values and how leadership is directed by a moral compass. They learn the foundations of leadership theory as they explore the role of leaders and how their vision and behavior affect the mission, goals, culture, and operations of organizations. Learners will examine their own leadership potential in the light of expanded knowledge of leadership behavior and processes.
LDSH 406: Leading in a Diverse World
This course assists learners in developing a framework to appreciate the impact of culture on leadership behavior and processes, and to develop behavioral and cognitive skills that can be applied in diverse cultural contexts, both domestically and internationally. By selecting a specific country for study of its social history and culture, learners gain an understanding of the cultural nuances to leadership style, team development, and organizational and interpersonal communication. They apply this learning to the practice of leadership in human resource development within multi-cultural organizational environments.
LDSH 404: The External Environment of Leadership
This interdisciplinary course introduces the economic, political, and social context for leadership. By focusing on changing demographics and socio/political movements at the national and global level, learners identify the contextual influences on decision making, including power relationships, public policy and regulation, economic forecasts, and social trends. Learners will use macro and microeconomic concepts to analyze particular social issues and public policy.
LDSH 405: Organizational Theory and Change
This course examines the major schools of thought regarding organizational theory. Within that framework, learners explore how changes in external and organizational contexts enable leaders to shape organizational designs, structures, and processes to benefit the individuals served by the organization, the individuals within the organization, and the larger society. Learners consider practical applications to support their becoming more effective members and leaders in their organizations. An understanding of organizational theory and of teamwork as it relates to leadership lays the foundation for learners’ capstone Leadership Project at the end of the second year of the Program.
LDSH 403: Communication and Public Relations
This course introduces learners to major theories of communication, with application to individuals, organizations and their markets, as well as to society as a whole. Learners explore the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to communicate effectively with their internal and external organizational environments. Learners collaborate to create a public relations campaign to prepare them for their capstone Leadership Project.
LDSH 407: Applied Quantitative Methods
In preparation for the Leadership Project, learners demonstrate problem-solving and decision-making capabilities by gathering and analyzing data and information. Through class exercises and case analysis, learners learn how to collect, display, and analyze data using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Various research methods for data collection and criteria for evaluation are discussed and applied. A variety of concepts and tools will help learners evaluate and interpret situations, including evaluation methodologies, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, interviewing techniques, survey design, graphical display of results, and presentation of analysis.
TRS 489: Wealth, Poverty, and Economic Justice
This course focuses on the Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish and Christian peoples, texts that have had a profound influence on religion, art, politics, and culture for over two thousand years. This course introduces learners to the most important biblical texts and themes, focusing especially on the Torah and the Gospels, and teaches learners to employ critical, scholarly tools for reading and interpretation. In addition, this course focuses on a special issue, theme, or question relating to wealth, poverty, and economic justice that appears in a diversity of biblical texts and moves beyond the Bible to modern relevance and implications.
LDSH 408: Leadership Project and Fieldwork, Part A
In Part A of LDSH 108, students partner with a non-profit community organization, and plan and begin implementation of a community-based research project that will help the community partner meet their needs and better serve the community. With faculty guidance and interacting with staff from the community partner, students determine the kinds of information and tasks needed to carry out the project. Students apply leadership and teamwork principles, enhance their knowledge of the Lasallian mission, learn about a social issue, conduct and write a review of relevant literature, and develop skills in collecting and analyzing data
LDSH 409: Leadership Project and Fieldwork, Part B
In Part B of LDSH 108, students implement a community-based research project that will help the community partner meet their needs and better serve the community. With faculty guidance and interacting with staff from the community partner, students build research instruments, gather data, and develop recommendations. Students apply leadership and teamwork principles while preparing a final report and presentation and present their findings to the community partner. Students reflect on their learning from engaging in the project and connect it with learning from their prior courses and with their personal and professional experience, synthesizing and transferring their learning to new, complex situations in the community.
LDSH 410: Integrative Leadership Seminar
In their final course, learners first reflect on and articulate their learning from their Leadership Project, and then reflect on and integrate their learning across the entire 2-year program, exploring insights and changes in their perspectives about themselves, learning, leadership, their organizations, their careers, their personal and family relationships, and social responsibility. They connect their knowledge and experience with goals for future learning and action.