Alumni Board of Directors

The Alumni Association Board of Directors partners with the College in exploring and supporting avenues of mutual engagement and service.
As representatives of the alumni body, the board shares insights into alumni sentiments, provides input on activities and engagement, encourages philanthropic participation, leads efforts in honoring the achievements of fellow alumni, and shares the stories of Saint Mary's today with the alumni at large. The work of the board is primarily engagement, not policy-making, advisory, or governance. The Board divides projects into committees based upon the greatest need at the time with the guidance of the Alumni Engagement & Events staff.
Alumni are encouraged to contact directors, especially those they know, about ways to re-engage with Saint Mary's College and the greater Alumni Association.
2024-25 Alumni Board of Directors

Executive Committee
Bill Sonneman '68 - President
Connor Loudon '15, MBA '18 - Vice President
Jenny O'Brien '96, MBA '97 - Past President
Ana Andrade MA '13
Thomas Bell '09
Andrew Boe '86, EMBA '09
Jeff Clark MBA '12
Jon Clark '86
Chris Giangregorio '01
Carolyn Lindstrom '88
Zulay Loftin '99
Daniel Murphy '13
Carl Reed II '96, MA '99
Krista Rosa '96
Lloyd Schine III '98, MA '04, MA '12
Rachel Sunday '14
Thomas Dang Vo '11
Gabe Welcher '02, MA '05
Kimi Zuluaga '12
Those interested in joining the Alumni Board of Directors are encouraged to apply during open application period in spring 2025.