Environmental Resources

Whether you’re just getting started or looking to expand your environmental/arts-teaching program, these online resources will inspire and inform you.
Use these resources in conjunction with our River of Words Watershed Explorer Edu
Environmental Education
River of Words Art Judge John Muir Laws's website provides exceptional resources for environmental education. In particular, his nature journaling curriculum, Opening the World through Journaling (created in collaboration with the CA Native Plant Society) is top-notch and fun for all ages! And, it's free!
Local River of Words Resources
A variety of resources for educators, including the Project WET Portal, links to the Water Education Curricula, and various water education classroom aids.
A wide range of resources covering poetry, art, and environmental education. Includes Pima County and Arizona-specific field study models for classes in the K-12 range.
A curriculum focused on providing resources for developing students' poetry and art skills, sense of place, and connection to the environment.
Science Museums
San Francisco’s hands-on science and art museum.
Online experiments, activities, and projects for kids. Museum is part of the University of California at Berkeley.
Plants and Animals
View the world through a bee's eye!
Kids and adults around the world draw, paint, and photograph their favorite trees. Click on the name of a school to view a project.
A comprehensive field guide for all kinds of wildlife around North America.
Writing Resources
An organization motivated to guide young writers with establishing strong beginnings in their writing careers
Other Resources
A TED talk by Saul Griffith, founder of Makani Energy.
Visionary and practical ideas for restoring the Earth.
Includes a detailed summary on the dangers of improperly disposed batteries and battery recycling resources!
Europe and Mexico
River of Words in Europe
Danish-based organization that offers environmental education resources for all European countries.
Based in Mexico; provides Spanish-language environmental-education resources.