Library Services

For more information on these and other services available, contact the Library Service Desk at (925) 631-4229 or email
Library Services
Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Services Coordinator at (925) 631-4164 to set up a confidential appointment to discuss accommodation guidelines and available services.
Library services available for patrons with disabilities include assistance with
- retrieving materials from any Library location
- scanning materials and using microform readers/printers
- accessing the Library elevator
- requesting electronic access to SMC print material
Inquire at the Library Service Desk for these and other services.
Assistive technology and accessible spaces available in the Library
The Library has computer workstations available on adjustable height tables, including a scanning station with Kurzweil software installed.
An ADA complaint, gender-neutral restroom is available, and the reference desk, library classrooms, and most study rooms are wheelchair accessible.
Databases and Electronic Resources
You may access the databases list, or search for a particular database, by using the Databases list. Click on the database of your choice. If you are connecting from off campus, you will be prompted for your email login and password. Many of these databases offer full-text articles that can be accessed directly and printed or downloaded. The library subscribes to several databases with text to speech audio options so you can listen to or download your article to MP3. If you are having trouble, contact the Library at (925) 631-4624, email, text or chat.
Your library record is available in Library Search. You can use the specific link or access it any time you are in Library Search by clicking "Sign in," located in the upper right corner of the screen.
There you can
- See what you have checked out
- Renew material
- View requested material
- See any fines, fees, or blocks.
Access to other student accounts-- including GaelPrints and GaelXpress-- are available via MySMC.
Saint Mary’s College welcomes the public to use the campus Library. You may search the online catalog and use books and periodicals within the Library building at no charge. Our research databases are available to all on campus, and you may access those via the campus guest wi-fi or a library guest computer. A public copy machine is not available at this time.
Although we give priority to our primary clientele—SMC students, staff, and faculty—community members may receive assistance in locating information and using electronic resources from our reference librarians during regularly scheduled Reference Desk hours.
NOTE: If visiting campus, please refer to the Campus Safety office for information about guest parking. Daily parking permits are available for purchase at the guest parking lots.
Book Loans
To borrow books, community members and SMC alumni may purchase a library card for an annual fee ($75 for community; $10 for alumni).
Spouses, partners, and children (ages 16 and up) of current Saint Mary's employees may register at the Library Service Desk for a free library card.
Photo ID, and if applicable, verification of alumni status (e.g., via the alumni directory, your diploma, or the Alumni Office), is required.
See our FAQ page on loan periods
See the page for all of the Borrowing and Access Policies
Databases and Electronic Resources
Remote access to most electronic resources is limited by licensing agreements to current Saint Mary's faculty, staff, and students. However, community users, alumni, and employee family members may use electronic resources on-site using a guest computer station or campus guest wi-fi.
All SMC alumni (not just those with a library card) may access a few of the Library's electronic resources after requesting and alumni login.
See our FAQ page on alumni access databases
New material purchases for the library are made by the specific subject librarians in accordance with the Collection Development policy.
SMC Faculty should consult with their Subject Librarian if they wish to have material added to the Library Collection for their teaching or research.
Current SMC students and staff can also suggest specific titles for the librarians to consider adding.
Faculty may request course materials be made available for their students on the Course Reserves page or on loan at the Service Desk.
If faculty foresee using the same material to teach a course for multiple semesters, there is the option to request an addition to the textbook collection.
Find further information or submit a request on the Course Reserves and Textbook page.
Please refer to our FAQ page on faculty copyright guidelines.
The library has space available for exhibits and displays related to curricular or co-curricular activities at Saint Mary’s College. Exhibit spaces are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis with priority given to library- sponsored or mission-relevant events
- See the policies for exhibits, displays, and events for more information.
- View the calendar of upcoming displays.
- Propose an exhibit or display online
You can borrow books, movies, and articles from other libraries using our interlibrary loan service embedded in Library Search.
Book chapters and articles will be scanned and delivered to you electronically in 2-3 business days. Full books and media are sent via postal mail and will be available for you to pick up at the Library in about two weeks. Full books and media can not be mailed to your home address.
See our FAQs page on requesting and receiving items through interlibrary loan
All students, faculty, and staff must present a valid SMC identification card to borrow from the collection. All alumni, community borrowers, families of college employees, and affiliate borrowers must obtain a library card from the Service Desk. Loss or theft of an identification card should be reported immediately to the Service Desk and contact the business office for a replacement.
See our FAQ page on loan periods
See the page for all of the Borrowing and Access Policies
One-on-One Research Help
You can get research help at the Reference Desk and online during reference hours.
Class Visits
Faculty: Schedule a research session for your class with your subject librarian.
Study rooms are available for students to book individually or with a Group.
See our FAQs page for instructions how to book a room
Study Room Guidelines
Study Rooms are open to any SMC students needing individual or group study space. Unfortunately, rooms are not available for faculty, staff, alumni, or general community members.
All rooms must have an active reservation for use. Drop-ins are welcome if rooms are available, but all users must book rooms through the online room reservation system.
Individuals may only have one active room reservation at a time.
If a group/individual fails to appear within 15 minutes of the reserved time, Library staff may cancel the reservation, and another group will be able to book the room.
Back-to-back/multiple reservations during the same day may not be allowed during busy times of the semester. In addition, these reservations may be canceled by library staff if rooms are in high demand. Reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance, with bookable time ranging from 1-4 hours in the summer and up to 2 hours in the fall.
Things to remember
Do not leave the room unattended.
Study Room keys may not leave the Library.
Dry-erase markers and erasers are available for checkout at the Library Service Desk.
Those reserving rooms are responsible for the condition of the room. Therefore, please clean your study area, dispose of any trash, and leave the room in good condition for the next user(s).
Erase whiteboards after use, and return borrowed markers to the Service Desk.
Please do not move the tables, and return chairs to their original place.
Study Rooms are not soundproof. Maintain reasonable noise levels and keep the door closed to prevent noise from leaving the room.
“No Shows” forfeit their reservations after 15 minutes
Rooms include a flat-screen monitor, DVD/VHS player, whiteboard/chalkboard, and a table with a chair (students should bring their own whiteboard markers or chalk).
View our Floor Plans to see where your room is located.
Device Charging
There are five standing charging stations scattered around the building with different plug-ins. There are also individual phone chargers and universal laptop chargers that you can check out from the front desk on the first floor.
Computers can be found on every floor. Students, faculty, and staff can log on using their SMC usernames and passwords. Guests can request to use two computers located at the reference desk for their research needs.
Printers are available for students, faculty, and staff through GaelPrint. Log in to upload documents to print. Choose specific printers to send your documents to. You will need to release them to print, which you can do from any device.
See more information on printing from IT Services. Where can I print on campus?
Please be aware: if you print and release your documents and then do not pick them up quickly, they will be disposed of. Please ask for help at the TechBar if you have questions.
Scanners and Copiers
We have several kinds of scanners available for students, faculty, and staff, including quick book scanning stations and a scanner station installed with Kurzweil software The main printers also serve as document scanners and copiers. For assistance in using these machines, please call IT Services at (925) 631-4266.
DVD and VHS Viewing
All study rooms are equipped with media view equipment, and additional single person media viewing carrels are available to use. Ask at the Library Service Desk to check out the remote controls.
Two microform machines are located on the third floor of the library that anyone can use. For assistance in using these machines, please contact the Library Service Desk.