Library/Saint Albert Hall

Library/Saint Albert Hall

Library/Saint Albert Hall


Classroom Resources
Technology training is available for faculty, staff and students;
contact ITS Help Desk:  925-631-4266 or visit your nearest tech bar.
Housekeeping & climate control concerns; contact Facilities Services: 925-631-4286
Scheduling concerns; contact Scheduling & Special Events:  925-631-4322


AV system, includes a TV cart with a PolyStudio X30 Video Conferencing System. (ceiling mounted Projector still present but not connected to anything)

The Conference Room is only used for Library meetings and activities.  Rarely, an exception may be made by the Dean. Please contact the library for more information.

Library Conference Room Image


TV Cart w/

Dell PC, Windows 10

PolyStudio X30 Video Conferencing Unit (Zoom Room)

Amplified Audio on cart, connected to local PC and PolyStudio

The Wildenradt Instruction Room is reserved for Library instruction and is not available through the Office of Scheduling and Special Events room reservation system. The AV system includes; Epson Interactive Projector, Dell PC, Document Camera, VGA/HDMI Laptop Connection, combo DVD/VCR player and Wireless Display Mirroring: AirTame (Airplay/Google Cast Compatiblity)

Computers, as well as black and white and color printers are available in the Library for student, faculty and staff use.  Two workstations and a fee-based printer are available for guest use. Workstations paired with scanners are available on all three floors, and have special accessibility software, including Kurzweil and JAWS.  Wireless access is available for both SMC and guest users.