 Saint Mary's College is listed by New Ways Ministries as one of the most LGBT friendly Catholic campuses in the country. Through various departments and student organizations, we offer support, information, inclusivity, a platform, and a safe, non judgemental space for all members of the LGBTQIA community. 

For Incoming LGBTQIA Students:

St. Mary's College of California has a very active LGBTQIA student body and the staff and faculty have taken enormous strides to create a safe and welcoming enviroment for LGBTQIA-identifying students.  The CWGE in particular is a safe space which provides a place for LGBTQIA students to hang out, find resources, and make a change in their community.  

LGBTQIA students must consider additional factors (safety, emotional comfort, support from the college) when choosing a school; a sample checklist for what makes a school a safe space can be found here.  St. Mary's works hard to foster a safe and inclusive community, but please contact the CWGE to find out more about what it's like to be an LGBTQIA student at SMC!

On-Campus Resources

The Queer and Questioning Support Group meets in the Counseling Center. The group is a safe, confidential palce for LGBTQIA students to discuss issues related to sexuality and gender. The goal is to create a sense of community and support and to provide a forum to meet others who are thinking about these subjects. Stop by the Counseling Center (in Augustine Hall) or call x4364 for more information.

PRIDE is a student run club that meets at varying times throughout the year in Delphine Intercultural Center. To keep updated with meeting times or for more info, e-mail or call x8545.

Off-campus resources:

The San Francisco LGBT Community Center. 415-865-5555,

The Pacific Center in Berkeley. 510-548-8283,

Hotlines include:

The GLBT National Health Center at 1-888-843-4564 or 1-800-246-7743 (National Youth Talkline)

The Trevor Project, a 24/7 sucide prevention hotline for LGBTQIA (including questioning) youth.

The Center for Women and Gender Equity is another safe space for LGBTQIA students to find support and information. If you are looking for more specific resources or for community support groups, we will find resources that work fo you. Stop by Monday-Friday from 9:00-4:30 or call x4192 to make an appointment to speak to a CWGE staff member.